Student Blog
Our interns and staff’s first-hand accounts of the issues public school students face today. This space is for students’ voices, personal experiences, and grievances about the public school system to be heard. Read their takes on class sizes, teacher diversity, mental health programs and so much more!
Why Funding Schools Matter!
Jennica has had a mix of both private and public school education growing up. Find out what she differences she noticed.
When Community and Education Come Together
Recently graduated with her Bachelors of Arts in Sociology, Nikki Crishen tells us about her journey to college and beyond was strongly influenced by her academic community.
Struggling to Eat: The Harsh Reality of Being a Working Student
Jennifer's blog confronts the harsh reality faced by students like Angel, exposing the inadequacy of California's support system that offers a mere $32 a month for groceries to those struggling to survive, highlighting the urgent need for substantial systemic change.
Power to the Youth
Tran shares her personal insight into the unique circumstances that have fueled Generation Z's activism, challenging stereotypes and highlighting her unwavering determination to make a difference.
Mental Health Progress Isn’t Over Yet!
Jules recognizes that mental health has come a long way, especially destigmatization. But we still have a long way to go. Read more of Jules’ blog and learn what an average UC Berkeley student has to go through to get mental health help.
Authentic Caring is Vital to the Success of Students of Color
The way our education system is set up is very focused on the metrics of success. Read Jennifer’s blog and see what would really help our students of color succeed in our schools.
Two AA Degrees and No Debt
Four-year university has always been touted as the key to economic mobility. But jumping straight into a four-year isn’t feasible for every student. Read Arin’s blog and learn how important community college is for different students.
English Learner Students Are Our Biggest Forgotten Demographic
Volunteering as an English Language coordinator at Berkeley’s local high school, Jennifer has real world experience with how our schools are failing our most vulnerable kids.
The Story of a Girl on Permit
When the only option for students to get quality education is to travel to a more affluent school district nearby, it is not surprising when students feel alienated and out of place. Read more about Arin’s experiences in a well-funded high school. Was it all that it was made out to be?
Bursting My Bubble
It’s always amazing when students get to have experiences outside of their usual limited resources in their schools. However, it’s heartbreaking when they realize how little they have in comparison to others.
From One Public School to Another
Education is a right! And we need to provide equitable resources for ALL our kids! Read Arin’s experiences jumping from an underfunded school to a more affluent neighborhood’s school.
Free Food for Kids!
When our kids are in school, we have a responsibility to enrich them in every way possible. Unfortunately for our underfunded schools, we are not only failing our kids academically, but also nutritionally.
Youth Engagement in Politics
Sarah talks about the massive impact youth can have on our society if they had the power and the attention of the older generations!
Toxic Charter Schools
Charter schools advertise themselves as better equipped to serve the needs of students — but what students are they actually allowing in their doors? Read about Jules experience dealing with the impact of having charter schools in her community!
The Struggle for Amplifying Student’s Voices in Public Schools
Sarah exposes the risk teachers face when speaking up for students' concerns, which are often disregarded by the administration. She emphasizes students should never be silenced in an education system that should empower their voices.
The Plague of the School to Prison Pipeline
As a high school student, Neftaly witnessed first hand how her peers suffered from being kicked out of school. Disappointed to find out her own district was involved in legal battles from racially disproportionate suspensions, she hopes to inform others on how we can prevent this injustice.
Transportation is Vital for Education!
Without adequate transportation to school, students cannot succeed. Read about Jules experience in her underfunded school district and how it impacted transportation!
Why Recognizing Marginalized Communities is Necessary in Education
As a former Visalia United School District student, Neftaly was ecstatic to see the district supporting queer students during PRIDE month. But they know it isn’t enough!
The Impact of Overcrowded Classrooms on Learning and Student Engagement
Overcrowding is unfair to both students and teachers. But its impact goes far beyond close quartered seats. Read how overcrowding in classes negatively shaped Sarah’s high school experience.
How Neglecting Education Harms Students and Teachers
Instead of our public schools encouraging our kids to go into higher education, the under-resourced schools are doing the exact opposite: actively discouraging them. This was Sarah’s experience. Read on to learn how our public schools are failing our kids.