Petition to Governor Newsom
It’s time to make education funding a permanent budget priority.
California is failing our kids.
We are ranked at the bottom in education funding, class size, and high school graduation rates.
Restore California as an education leader.
We are the 5th largest economy in the world and used to be in the top 10 in the nation in education funding.
I am a California resident and support fully-funding California public schools. I urge you to support all our children by restoring California as a top 10 state in education funding.
Reform Prop. 13: Close the corporate tax loophole - protect homeowners, not wealthy landlords.
Empower Local Communities: Support reform to allow local school funding measures to pass with a simple majority.
Make smart budget choices: fund schools not prisons, end corporate subsidies, pass targeted state revenue that doesn't raise taxes on working families.
Evolve staff and past interns protesting at UC Berkeley against their investment into Blackstone. (Blackstone is one of the CA Business Roundtable’s top donors)