Underfunded ESL Programs

By: Morsal Azimi

Coming to the United States as an adult immigrant, I took ESL classes to master English before I could enroll in major-related college courses. My experience with ESL programs comes from attending two different community colleges: one in an area with a high concentration of immigrants and another where there were relatively fewer immigrants. In both schools, the lack of funding made the programs inefficient and under-resourced, limiting their effectiveness.

At the first college, there were various ESL class options, but the high number of immigrant students led to overcrowded classrooms. Students from different age groups, ranging from teenagers to older adults, were placed in the same classes, which presented a challenge. Different learning styles and paces often slowed down instruction, making it difficult for both teachers and students to stay on track. Unfortunately, due to a lack of funding, there was no option to separate classes based on age or learning needs, which could have helped create a more effective learning environment.

In contrast, at my second community college, there were fewer ESL class options available. Since everyone had to fit into the same system, where grammar, writing, and speaking were all taught in a single course, many immigrants felt discouraged from enrolling. I remember a coworker who once asked me where I learned English. When I shared my experience with ESL classes, she told me she had dropped out of college because the available ESL courses did not align with her career goals. She wanted to take classes focused solely on speaking and grammar, but since the college-preparatory ESL courses also required writing components, she found them too difficult and discouraging.

At first glance, this may seem like a minor issue. However, combining students of all ages in a single class and requiring one teacher to cover all aspects of the English language can create significant barriers to learning. Unfortunately, one major reason for these challenges in California is the significant gap between the funding provided for ESL programs and the actual demand for them. Many adult schools and community colleges struggle with enrollment caps tied to state funding, which limits the number of ESL courses they can offer. Without sufficient resources, schools cannot expand ESL programs, hire more teachers, or create specialized classes that better serve diverse immigrant communities. Reforming Proposition 13 to allocate more funding toward education could help bridge this gap and ensure that adult learners have access to the language skills they need to thrive.


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