Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor are a great way to draw attention to the education crisis in California.
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We can’t allow the UC to profit off a free-speech image while simultaneously arresting, brutalizing and silencing students who stand up for the real Berkeley community.
Giving teachers raises didn’t cause S.F. schools’ budget deficit. Here’s what did
Where does that leave the families of students who don’t have the resources to access private or charter institutions? We must address the root cause of education underfunding and reform Prop. 13.
There’s a way to shield public education from state budget cuts
We are reading yet another article about our state’s increasing budget deficit and cuts to our public schools, and once again our leaders in Sacramento are not providing us any real solutions to this.
The University of California’s highest-paid employees are sports coaches. That shows its priorities
Read how a UC Berkeley student feels about the fact that the highest paid UC employees aren’t staff or professors.
Prioritize support for students
Read how UC Berkeley should prioritize supporting its students and their success.
Make school welcoming
Read how schools can be more welcoming by allowing students to celebrate their identity. There are more topics of discussion for school board members to concern themselves with than whether or not the Pride flag makes straight students feel excluded.
It’s the state’s duty to fully fund education
Read another LTE from our staff about how it should not be the responsibility of parents to pay for their children’s public education!
At-large SF Supervisors are a Dubious Idea, and Why Would You Want to Give GOP a Voice?
Billionaire-backed organizations are pushing for returning to at-large elections. What really is their main reason for doing this?
Parents shouldn’t be on hook for public schools
Read about how it should not be the responsibility of parents to pay for their children’s education when it should be covered already.
Underfunding schools is an injustice to kids
Another letter from our staff about, again, how it should not be the responsibility of parents to pay for their children’s public education!
State Should Reform Prop. 13 for Schools
The realities of public school in California means parents—not just teachers—have to dip into their own pockets to help provide basic resources. Maybe it’s time we think about reforming Prop. 13, for our kids.
Want to keep public schools open, pay teachers well and increase enrollment? Here’s how
Read how we can keep our schools open. Hint: it’s reforming Prop. 13
Don’t stop development
People in the Bay are always complaining about our housing crisis, but when affordable housing is on the table people get up in arms about destroying their neighborhood…
Rising temperatures should light the fire under us to combat the climate crisis
Jules is over us not doing anything about the climate emergency and investing our time and energy into less important issues.
S.F. Caters to Developers
Read why Sarah thinks the new regulations SF has allowed for affordable housing won’t benefit anyone but the real estate industry.
Return human remains
Read Neftaly’s opinion, being a UC Berkeley student, on the university’s penchant for keeping historic artifacts.
Breed ignores facts
Read Gillian’s take on why London Breed’s outburst is unacceptable to SF residents.
Why Oakland Mayor Thao’s budget plan for more police hurts the community
Read Olivia’s article on why increasing police budgets is not the answer.
Why losing BART would be a catastrophe for the Bay Area
Read Ciara’s take on why BART is vital to the Bay Area community.
Tax inequality hurts community colleges
As a student in California, I am well aware that our public universities and community colleges are suffering from a significant lack of funding. While companies like Chevron pocket heavy tax breaks our community colleges, especially those in already under-resourced districts, are left behind.