How To Fund Education
Build the Movement • Smart Budget Choices • Revenue Solutions • Reform Prop. 13
Build the Movement
Expand the coalition of diverse organizations, community leaders, educators, and school families committed to this movement.
Educate the public to raise awareness about the inequities in our education system and build support for change.
Empower local activists, especially in communities of color, to engage local and statewide public officials about the education crisis in California.
Smart Budget Choices
Fund Schools - Not Prisons. In the last 40 years, prison spending has increased at 3x the rate of K-12 spending.
End corporate subsidies and tax credits for the wealthy that reduce funding for schools and increase economic inequality.
Prioritize Equity to make sure that all our students get the quality education they deserve.
Revenue Solutions
Reforming Our Property Tax System is long overdue. Commercial property owners need to pay taxes at fair market value, not 1970s values.
Targeted State Revenue such as oil extraction fees and luxury taxes that don’t raise taxes on working families.
Empower communities to pass local school funding measures with a simple majority or 55% vote.
Reform Prop. 13
Closing the Corporate Loophole in Prop. 13 will raise $12 billion a year for schools and communities by taxing large commercial properties at fair market value.
Shift the tax burden back to large corporations so citizens are no longer nickeled and dimed through temporary and regressive taxation.
Reverse 40 years of disinvestment from California communities, especially low-income communities of color, paving the way for a more equitable society.
To read more about closing the corporate loophole in Prop. 13, click here.
Join our people-powered movement to fully fund public education for all Californians.